Discover Scuba on Wet Wednesda...
PADI Discover Scuba® Diving Experience
Have you ever wondered what it's like to breathe u...
PADI BubbleMaker
Bubblemaker is as fun as it sounds - a chance for kids to blow bubbles by scuba diving. Children who...
Kids PADI Seal Team AquaMissio...
PADI Seal Team Adventures!
Open Water Diver Pool w/ E-Lea...
The PADI Open Water Diver course with West Shore Scuba
If you've always wanted to l...
Open Water Diver - Open Water ...
Open Water Local Certification Dives
After completing your eLearning and confined water div...
Finish OW Certs on a Trip
Don't Fancy Colder Water? Finish your PADI Open Water Certification Dives on nearly any one of o...
Scuba Refresher on Tune-Up Tue...
Scuba Refresher with West Shore Scuba
Has it been a while since you’ve been scuba divi...
Advanced Open Water Diver
The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course with West Shore Scuba
The Advanced Open Water...
Rescue Diver
The PADI Rescue Diver Course with West Shore Scuba
The PADI® Rescue Diver course wi...
Enriched Air Diver
The PADI Diving Enriched Air (Nitrox) with West Shore Scuba
Enriched air, also known as...
Deep Diver
The PADI Deep Diver Course with West Shore Scuba
During the PADI® Deep Diver course...
Digital Underwater Photographe...
The PADI Digital UW & UW Photographer Courses with West Shore Scuba
During the PADI...
Dive Propulsion Vehicle
Cruise on your underwater Harley and see more on a dive than ever before with almost no effort!
Drift Diver
The PADI Drift Diver Course with West Shore Scuba
Diving in a current can feel like fly...
Dry Suit Diver
The PADI Dry Suit Diver course with West Shore Scuba
Unlike wetsuits, drysuits are fill...
Night Diver
The PADI Night Diver Course with West Shore Scuba
The thought of dipping below the surf...
Peak Performance Buoyancy
The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course with West Shore Scuba
Excellent buoyancy cont...
Wreck Diver
The PADI Wreck Diver Course with West Shore Scuba
Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial...
Emergency First Response
The Emergency First Response with West Shore Scuba
Emergency First Response® primar...
PADI Divemaster
The PADI Divemaster Course with West Shore Scuba
Do you have a deep and abiding passion for divin...
CPR EFR Instructor
The EFR Instructor course with West Shore Scuba
The PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor Course at West Shore Scuba
Are you looking to do something o...
Discover Mermaid
Discover Mermaid
The Discover Mermaid™ experience introduces si...
Mermaid Certification
Expand your understanding of the physical properties of the under...
Advanced Mermaid
Advanced Mermaid
Elevate your mermaiding experience in open water, while refining and improving y...
Fin-tastic Mermaid Swim
BYOT (bring your own tail) and explore the West Shore Scuba Lagoon with other Merfolk! Certifi...
Rescue Skills Workshop
SCUBA Diver Rescue Workshop
Perhaps you're a diver that has never had any training on what to d...
Visual Tank Inspector
Visual Tank Inspector Course